Mixture feelings

I'm happy everytime i look at my car....got it wash and polish yesterday...so it's all shiny and nice....it's been quite a while since i last gave my car a bath...kekekkeke...poor baby.....and since the colour of my 'red ferrari' look kinda faded, so i decided to polish the car.... Me smiles whenever me look at it now...

At the same time i'm kinda upset about my lost earring. I bought it yesterday night for the Etiqa Dinner. It was a very tiring evening for me and Alia. We went to Mid Valley after work. Need to get ourselves a few things for the dinner including the earring. We walked all over Mid Valley to find the earring that i like...it was not easy...it was very tiring and finally we found the one that i like and suits my dress...but when i arrived home, i can't seem to find it...not sure where i lose it...it very sad...now i have to go shopping again...and it's gona cost money again...very frustrating right???and i really love that earring...i really want the same earring again...uwwaaa..... thought that i can relax until the dinner...apparently not..now i have to go shopping for my earring.......


very frustrating kan...tak jumpe pun the lost subang..went to one utama the next day...dah pusing2, jumpe satu tapi colour silver and i wanted gold.since no choice, i bought it.on the way nk jalan gi parking(nk balik dah), singgah satu kedai...saw exactly subang yg i nak and its gold...wtf rite???so beli lagi la..and now i got 2 of it..one gold, one silver....bllleeeeerrrggghhh!!

November 7, 2008 at 9:43 AM