We are the champion!

Here are the photos from the Go-kart race 2 weeks back...

Us before the race

Ein, the Champion!

The champions with Amir

Smile =)

My team mates

We supposed to look fierce..keke

Me in action

Posing after the race

The RED power!!


The champ's pose... =D

Female and male drivers from rumah MERAH!!

Before the race

Training the night before the actually race

Alia, Yuni and Moi

Too bad i can't keep the trophy =(

Takei over me???

Seriously??yup...it actually happened!!!and i really hate this situation....aaaaarrrghhhhhh.. it sucks! bleeerggggghhh =(

Shishaing session with Aida and Hanie

Photos from one of the shishaing session in Red Chamber, Bangsar

Me have no idea what me looking at =P

Hanie and moi

Hanie shishaing thru her nose...hahahaha


Let's play poker! =D

Perlis, here we come!!!

Me will be out of town this weekend..leaving for Perlis(yes, of all places!) at 5pm... following trip organised by the Corporate Zakat from my company to visit and help the poor people in Perlis...and a lot of people keep telling that there's a lot of snakes in Perlis...eyyeewwww.....i HATE snakes! According to the tentative, we'll also have dinner with Sultan Perlis. We'll also be going to Padang Besar.... Yayyy!!shopping time...good thing is we got our salary yesterday...weee... Me kinda excited cause Alia and Ein and Ina also joining the trip and lucky for us we sharing the same bus but not sure yet about the room...might end up sharing room with aunties...heheheh...it's ok.. me will update bput the trip when i come back k... Have a nice weekend...See you guys on Monday...cheers!

Taurus Babies

10th May 2008 - Moi 27th birthday (yeah i know i'm old ok!!) Here some of the shots from my birthday celebration.
Guests: Reza(Head Chef), Pikky,Aida, Am, Nik, Hanie, Shamy and last but not least my mei mei Carmelita...
Guest who missed the fun : Ms Lily Kuan Yit Hooi

My Birthday Cakes(yes i got 2 cakes!)

Pikky and Aida playing 'SPEED"

Reza and Am playing 'SPEED'

Me and Nik

Pikky digging into the drink

Me blowing the candles and our food...yummy..

Me,Aida and Reza(the hantu lilin) and Pikky perasan she's a bride =D

18th May 2008 - Shahira Adibah Bt Shahrom's 1st Birthday @ her mummy tok's house in Shah Alam. She was sleeping when we sang her happy birthday song...so her mummy took the honour to blow the candle and cut the cake...yes shira's mummy, u're not 1 ya....it's your baby...kekeke =D

Birthday Girl with mummy and daddy

Outside the house

It's party time!

Goody bags...

Birthday girl

Shira's birthday cake and cute cupcakes

p/s: and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Uncle Basha.. =D

Man United Rulez

Glory Glory MAN UNITED!!! yayy......they are the champion....sorry Chelsea but Man United is the CHAMPION!!!! A big hand to the players!!!Reza is so happy about it. He damn semangat, he actually took leave so that he can enjoy the game without need to worry waking early next day to go to work...hahahha....and myself..i did not catch the game cause unlike some people, i need to go work next morning and i did not apply for leave...so too bad i have to miss it....whatever it is, AN UNITED won the Champions League!!!!!yayyyyyy =D


Can u imagine everything u do, your bodyguard will be watching??hahhaha...here's another funny clip.. check it out!

Magic World

This advert is so cute.....and full of magic...kekekek =D

Check it out!

Actuarial Gurlz Rulez

Go Kart competition among the rumah was held last Saturday..... i kinda like got butterfly in my stomach cuz this is the first time i joining the go kart competition...afraid i might let my team member down....long story short, i couldn't believe that i got number 3!!!yayyyyy!!!!

Basically the race was just like F1 race.....first, we had 12 minutes of warming up session...then 12 minutes of qualifying round and finally 10 laps of the actual race... My best time for the warming up session was 1 minute 23 seconds...and for the qualifying, i did 1 minute 21 seconds. So i started the race at number 7. I'm not so sure what happen during the race, but all i know is that i tried to over take as many people as possible...i was trying hard to over take Alia but i was not easy...even worse i couldn't see Ein at all during the race. Alia started the race at the first spot and Ein at the second spot.

And the result, FIRST- EIN (rumah Hijau), SECOND - ALIA (rumah Kuning) and THIRD - MOI (rumah Merah). The best part is all three of us from the same department; Corporate Actuarial Department. hahhahaa... so who says actuarial people are nerds?

Me haven't receive the photos during the evemt yet....will upload it soon k... cheers =D

Happy Teacher's Day

To all my teachers from kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, junior college and university... I wana wish you Happy Teacher's Day...and thanks for all your effort and kindness...i would be nothing without u(beside my own effort also la..kekekek...). I love all of you especially my english teacher in junior college...nowadays, she's more like a friend to me....

And to all my friends and relatives who turns out to be teacher also....HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY to you too....hope u guys got lots of pressie from your students...kekekke...nah la...kidding only...

Hope you guys enjoy your special day...muuuahhhhsss

p.s: this post was written on 16 May 2008. However, due to my packed time table...i'm only able to post it today...so Happy BELATED Teacher's Day =D


I was cleaning up my emails, saw this particular mail and wanted to share with all the ladies, woman and girls out there..... and to all my woman family member, relatives and girl friends... I LOVE U and please forgive me if sometimes i neglected you...i didn't mean to do that.... i'll try my very best to be with you when ever u need me... love you babes!

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day,
drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As
they talked about life, about marriage, about the
responsibilities of life and the obligations of
adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her
Glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance
upon her daughter.

Don't forget your Sisters," she advised,
swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass.
"They'll be more important as you get older.
No matter how much you love your husband,
no matter how much you love the children you may have,
you are still going to need Sisters.
Remember to go places with them now
and then; do things with them."

"Remember that
'Sisters' means ALL the women..
your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other
women relatives too. "You'll need other women.
Women always do."

What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought.
Haven't I just gotten married?
Haven't I just joined the couple-world?
I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake! A grownup!
Surely my husband and the family we may start will be all
I need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her Mother. She kept contact
with her Sisters and made more women friends each
year. As the years tumbled by, one after another,
she gradually came to understand that her Mom really
knew what she was talking about. As time and nature
work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman,
Sisters are the mainstays of her life.

After more than 50 years of living in this world,
here is what I've learned:


Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favours.
Careers end.

Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how
many miles arebetween you.
A girl friend is never farther away
than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you
have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life
will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on,
praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on
your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the
valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk
beside you...Or come in and carry you out.

Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,
daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers,
Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended
family, all bless our life!

The world wouldn't be the same without women, and
neither would I. When we began this adventure called
womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or
sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we
would need each other.

Tennis and Go Kart

Two weeks back was netball and paintball...last week was tennis and go kart... As for tennis, Rumah Merah (Ladies) lost all three games. Not sure about the guys. Don't ask me why but i was not in the mood for the 3rd game....all i wanted was the game to end as soon as possible...

So here's the thing. Tennis was on saturday, 10th may which happen to be my birthday. I was supposed to have pot luck party at me place that nite and i was suppose to do fruit tart. Reza was suppose to cook spaghetti...but we still have some stuff need to buy for the party, so i need to leave early..and i told the person in charge i can only play until 3pm...whatever game after 3pm please ask the sub to play but apparently we only have sub on the paper but not during the event...so i have to play until the end. The 3rd game was the fastest one, we started at 4pm and finish around 4.35pm. Seriously i was not in the mood. So for all i care...apa nak jadi, jadi la.... Anyway, that nite was fun...will tell more in the coming post...with photos...waiting for aida to upload the photo...speed up lady!!! =D

Anyway, the party at my place ended at 4am...and guess what?i need to wake up early for the go kart selection...since its my first time...i don't think i really perform...and since not many ladies from rumah merah participate, so i got selected...yayy....and the race is this saturday (17 May 2008). Wish me luck ya! i have to make rumah MERAH proud of me...kekekke..

And here some of the actions from go karting =D