It's been a while since my last blog.....but trust me i got like tonnes of things to tell but me just got limited time...especially now that me home internet got cut..kekek...cuz i was pissed with their me too lazy to pay...that leave me with 2 other option....1st, blog in the office..kekek...2nd, go wifi la...but too lazy to go such a lazy bum.... =D
Anyway, here some updates....enjoying reading it...cheers...
14 June 2008 - Futsal tournament
Red team lose =(
But its ok i guess....the most important thing is that we had fun.....and guess what..when my team was against alia's team(rumah kuning)...i accidently ran into her...and automatically i go like... "sorry alia"....then we were laughing in the are not suppose to say sorry during games...well, what can i say....she's my friend...

All four teams...
Master Tigriss from McDonalds =D

Latest poison...
Master Tigriss from McDonalds =D
This is Master Tigriss....a character in Kungfu Panda...voice bye Angelina Jolie..for those haven't watch this movie...get ur ass to the's a very funny movie....
So, we were having dessert in Mcdonalds and Reza bought me this.....
Cool rite...wait till u see what she can do...
First u need to bend her....then let her go and she will make a turn and back to her position....
Ok..probably u do not understand me go get yourself one..kekkeke....
So, we were having dessert in Mcdonalds and Reza bought me this.....
Cool rite...wait till u see what she can do...
First u need to bend her....then let her go and she will make a turn and back to her position....
Ok..probably u do not understand me go get yourself one..kekkeke....

Latest poison...
Gosh....previously it was Lego...hmmm...i love Lego....and now it's the miniature food....with the whole kitchen furniture....they got like a box and u can make it like a house....they got like the kitchen cabinet....dining table and many you need to get the miniature food...they have like pizza,donut,sushi,instant noodles,steamboat,cakes and many more...currently i've got myself the kitchen set and a few miniature is to get the kitchen cabinet and also the box...and more of the food...weeee....
My kitchen set
My yummy food
My next target =)
Need more of these....
OMG babe. the miniature food/kitchen set thing made me giggle like a mad woman :p looks like someone is reliving their childhood :D
June 27, 2008 at 12:53 AMbut they so cute rite....wait till i have the complete set and u can have a look at it k...but no touchy touchy...kekekke...kidding la.. =D
June 27, 2008 at 8:00 AMPost a Comment