Happy birthday to Reza... He just turned 26 on the 5th June 2008. I only get to celebarte with him the next day since he's having dinner with his parents that nite...i've got everything prepared... Order some nice cupacakes for him.... Book a place in Bora Asmara... Contact all his friends to make sure they are availabe on that date...kekekke.....

Tak sabar nak makan

Bored while waiting for the birthday boy to arrive..

Here come the birthday boy...

Birthday boy and moi

The food...yummy..

Me have no idea wut he's talking about... =D

Video time...

Moi, Surya, Ila n Zue

Photo with the cupcakes... =D


What's so funny dude?

The Birthday boy....

Macam nak bertapa la dia ni...


Yeah...jom makan cupcakes...yummy...

Giggsy cupcakes...


The girls and moi

I'm suppose to eat him...and he still can smile...kekekke
Another friend of mine shares the same birth date as Reza. We went for lunch and reza was supposed to join but couldn't cause his car broke down...
Alia n Abas study menu
Yeah...birthday boy...Abas..
Saiful, Tob and Abas
Alia, Ein and moi
Nice pose peepz..
who is abas anyway?
June 13, 2008 at 1:31 PMetiqan jugak ek?
ye cik bibi..dia org etiqa gak...dia ni baik ngan arwah abang zaki dulu... suraya kenal dia...comel tak cupcakes tu?kekekek
June 13, 2008 at 3:09 PMPost a Comment