and i was like WTF????damn it....
This is what happen next....no matter what time i left the office i still end up stucked in traffic....one thing i can never understand is, when it rains, malaysian just simply duno how to drive...it's good that they drive slowy....but too slow....and that cause the traffic jam...
another very bad habit of Malaysian is that they love to slow down to check out when there's accident...WTF...seriously.... So, due to the rain, heavy traffic everywhere....on top of that, people all rush to the petrol station to fill up their tank...and how long can it last?a week at most...all of sudden all the petrol sations become congested...good bussiness huh today?? in directly that cause traffic jam too because the queue was up to the main road....bleeerrrrgggghhh....but thank god i have fill up my petrol yesterday morning....so i don't need to queue to fill up petrol... hopefully no more price increase.... =(

how true is that!
June 7, 2008 at 5:12 AMyup, everything is going up up these days kan... hmmm
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