I'm back with my hot springs post!
Before i continue telling about the villa, let me fill u in about what happen at the reception counter..... After we have registered, and right before the receptionist hand us our key.....this is what she said... (babes, correct me if i missed out any other details)
Receptionist: Cik, sebab ni villa baru, so tv ada tapi astro sume tak pasang lagi.... (Miss, since this is a new villa, we have the tv but no reception)
Moi : Channel local pun takde? (Not even local channels?)
Receptionist : Takde
Moi : Abis tu kitaorg nak tgk apa?(Then, what are we going to watch?)
Receptionist : Nanti kita cuba dapatkan dvd player. (We'll try to get you the dvd player)
Moi : Cik, kalau ada dvd player tapi takde dvd tak gune jugak kan? (Miss, if u have a dvd player, but do not have dvd, there's no point right?)
Receptionist : (nodded)
Moi : Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni? Kalau u all inform awal2 bleh kita prepare bawak dvd. Masa nak upgrade villa reti plak call, kenapa tak bagitau sume2 ni masa call hari tu?or bleh call kitaorg semlm and bagitau... (If you have inform us earlier, we could prepare and bring some dvd. When u guys called last week regarding the upgration, why didn't inform? or at least call us yesterday to let us know?)
Receptionist : Saya tak tau cik...hari ni baru saya tau.... ( I didn't know, i was only told about this today) - FRANKLY I DON'T THINK SHE JUST KNEW ABOUT IT...
Moi : So kenapa upgrade kitaorg ke villa 3 bilik kalau tv takde siaran? (So why upgrade us to the 3 room if the tv have no reception?)
Rceptionist : Ouh, sebab ada VVIP datang...so kita kene kasik dia villa 2 bilik tu.... (Ouh because there's VVIP came and we needed the 2 rooms villa for them) - MY ASS, DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT IT??? PLUS THAT"S NOT WHAT U TOLD US THE OTHER DAY!!!
Moi: Itu bukan masalah kitaorg ada VVIP datang ke apa ker..tu masalah korang...kitaorg dah book villa ni dari awal lagi... Tapi kenapa tak kasik villa 3 bilik tu kat VVIP? (Frankly, that's not our problem. That's your problem. we have book this villa in advance. So, why didn't you give the 3 rooms villa to the VVIP?)
Receptionist: Eh, tak boleh...villa tu tak lengkap lagi....(Ouh, that's impossible. This villa is not fully complete yet) - BULLSHIT!!!
Moi : Oooo...so yg tak lengkap tu la you kasik kat kitaorg.....(Ooooo....so you give us the not complete one la???) - DAMN SMART AND IDIOT AS THE SAME TIME!!!
So this is how they do business...just because got some VVIP decide to turn up the very last minute, we who book like 2 months in advance get this kind of treatment la...i mean we don't blame the VVIP..it's not their fault...we don't think the VVIP even know that there are people who have to sacrifie their villa to serve the VVIP.... the truth is we don't really care about watching tv cause that's not the main point we are here...we just love to bitch around...kekekek...nah...it's just that the way they treat us....enough of that....let's check out the villa =D The moment we opened the door to the villa...this is what we saw.... cool huh??

We were so exicted although still not happy with the receptionist....so we go thru around the house...and the bell boy who showed us the villa and how to use the jacuzzi also kena from us...hahaha....but we know it's not his fault...after he left we lazied around at the living hall.....with the hot weather, its nice to just lie down under the air-cond. Ouh and the bell boy return with a dvd player...but then we told him not to plug it cause seriously there's no point....
Anyway, we then decide to go have a walk at the hot springs water park.... so i said i want to pray first before we go...and guess what peepz, no sign of showing the direction for the 'kiblat'.... first no tv now no 'kiblat'. ok chill, so i wanted to call the receptionist and ask...wait, where the hell is the phone???? we looked all over the villa, every room, bathroom, kitchen, cabinet and even drawers....no sign of phone...wtf.... that's it...i'm so gonna complaint about this....and later on we discovered not even one rubbish bin in any bathroom or the rooms....there's only one in the kitchen....sigh...
So, we changed our attire and went for a walk at the hot springs park...first we went to the Water Reflexology Course....the water was hot when u reached certain part...Ah Hooi was screaming as she walk along the course...haiyo...kekkeke...then we continue walking, saw an ice cream booth....it was so hot so Aida n myself had ice cream...yumyum...then we continue our walk to the Natural Hot Springs Boardwalk....u can see the heat rising from the stream as u walk along the broadwalk...and we came to this sauna place...it's like a small hut built on the stream...and the floor of the hut was made of planks and there are slight gaps between those planks...so the steam from the stream can reach those sitting on the floor....damn cool ok...since nobody there, we take our own sweet time lepak there...kekeke....and Ah Hooi was learning this "I must" song from Pikky.damn funny...kekekke...

After lepaking at the natural sauna, we moved on to the hot springs pool...stayed there for while cause it's kinda hot plus the weather also hot...not a good combination...then we proceed to the mountain springs pool and yes this is more like it cause the water was cold....hehehhe....we took a dip for a while and the decided to go back and take a dip in our private jacuzzi...wooohoo...so, there's nothing much there in the hot springs park... By the time we got back to our villa, it was around 5sumthing...we get into the jacuzzi and relax...it was so much fun....then we decide to start the bbq fire...and get our food prepared...you should totally check out our food...and the taste too...yummmy ok!!! So, i'll leave you guys with the pictures taken during our trip...
One last post about this trip will be up soon...cheers peepz =D
Receptionist: Cik, sebab ni villa baru, so tv ada tapi astro sume tak pasang lagi.... (Miss, since this is a new villa, we have the tv but no reception)
Moi : Channel local pun takde? (Not even local channels?)
Receptionist : Takde
Moi : Abis tu kitaorg nak tgk apa?(Then, what are we going to watch?)
Receptionist : Nanti kita cuba dapatkan dvd player. (We'll try to get you the dvd player)
Moi : Cik, kalau ada dvd player tapi takde dvd tak gune jugak kan? (Miss, if u have a dvd player, but do not have dvd, there's no point right?)
Receptionist : (nodded)
Moi : Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni? Kalau u all inform awal2 bleh kita prepare bawak dvd. Masa nak upgrade villa reti plak call, kenapa tak bagitau sume2 ni masa call hari tu?or bleh call kitaorg semlm and bagitau... (If you have inform us earlier, we could prepare and bring some dvd. When u guys called last week regarding the upgration, why didn't inform? or at least call us yesterday to let us know?)
Receptionist : Saya tak tau cik...hari ni baru saya tau.... ( I didn't know, i was only told about this today) - FRANKLY I DON'T THINK SHE JUST KNEW ABOUT IT...
Moi : So kenapa upgrade kitaorg ke villa 3 bilik kalau tv takde siaran? (So why upgrade us to the 3 room if the tv have no reception?)
Rceptionist : Ouh, sebab ada VVIP datang...so kita kene kasik dia villa 2 bilik tu.... (Ouh because there's VVIP came and we needed the 2 rooms villa for them) - MY ASS, DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT IT??? PLUS THAT"S NOT WHAT U TOLD US THE OTHER DAY!!!
Moi: Itu bukan masalah kitaorg ada VVIP datang ke apa ker..tu masalah korang...kitaorg dah book villa ni dari awal lagi... Tapi kenapa tak kasik villa 3 bilik tu kat VVIP? (Frankly, that's not our problem. That's your problem. we have book this villa in advance. So, why didn't you give the 3 rooms villa to the VVIP?)
Receptionist: Eh, tak boleh...villa tu tak lengkap lagi....(Ouh, that's impossible. This villa is not fully complete yet) - BULLSHIT!!!
Moi : Oooo...so yg tak lengkap tu la you kasik kat kitaorg.....(Ooooo....so you give us the not complete one la???) - DAMN SMART AND IDIOT AS THE SAME TIME!!!
So this is how they do business...just because got some VVIP decide to turn up the very last minute, we who book like 2 months in advance get this kind of treatment la...i mean we don't blame the VVIP..it's not their fault...we don't think the VVIP even know that there are people who have to sacrifie their villa to serve the VVIP.... the truth is we don't really care about watching tv cause that's not the main point we are here...we just love to bitch around...kekekek...nah...it's just that the way they treat us....enough of that....let's check out the villa =D The moment we opened the door to the villa...this is what we saw.... cool huh??

The Jacuzzi...
We were so exicted although still not happy with the receptionist....so we go thru around the house...and the bell boy who showed us the villa and how to use the jacuzzi also kena from us...hahaha....but we know it's not his fault...after he left we lazied around at the living hall.....with the hot weather, its nice to just lie down under the air-cond. Ouh and the bell boy return with a dvd player...but then we told him not to plug it cause seriously there's no point....
Anyway, we then decide to go have a walk at the hot springs water park.... so i said i want to pray first before we go...and guess what peepz, no sign of showing the direction for the 'kiblat'.... first no tv now no 'kiblat'. ok chill, so i wanted to call the receptionist and ask...wait, where the hell is the phone???? we looked all over the villa, every room, bathroom, kitchen, cabinet and even drawers....no sign of phone...wtf.... that's it...i'm so gonna complaint about this....and later on we discovered not even one rubbish bin in any bathroom or the rooms....there's only one in the kitchen....sigh...
So, we changed our attire and went for a walk at the hot springs park...first we went to the Water Reflexology Course....the water was hot when u reached certain part...Ah Hooi was screaming as she walk along the course...haiyo...kekkeke...then we continue walking, saw an ice cream booth....it was so hot so Aida n myself had ice cream...yumyum...then we continue our walk to the Natural Hot Springs Boardwalk....u can see the heat rising from the stream as u walk along the broadwalk...and we came to this sauna place...it's like a small hut built on the stream...and the floor of the hut was made of planks and there are slight gaps between those planks...so the steam from the stream can reach those sitting on the floor....damn cool ok...since nobody there, we take our own sweet time lepak there...kekeke....and Ah Hooi was learning this "I must" song from Pikky.damn funny...kekekke...

After lepaking at the natural sauna, we moved on to the hot springs pool...stayed there for while cause it's kinda hot plus the weather also hot...not a good combination...then we proceed to the mountain springs pool and yes this is more like it cause the water was cold....hehehhe....we took a dip for a while and the decided to go back and take a dip in our private jacuzzi...wooohoo...so, there's nothing much there in the hot springs park... By the time we got back to our villa, it was around 5sumthing...we get into the jacuzzi and relax...it was so much fun....then we decide to start the bbq fire...and get our food prepared...you should totally check out our food...and the taste too...yummmy ok!!! So, i'll leave you guys with the pictures taken during our trip...
One last post about this trip will be up soon...cheers peepz =D
hahaha, eh you got the photos from nik?!
June 5, 2009 at 3:16 PMthe photos made me laugh. that was such a good weekend!
hahahha..i know...i was smiling alone when i wanted to upload the photos..kekeke...yerp..got it from nik, she uploaded in the flickr...i told you in my comment on my previous entry... =D
June 8, 2009 at 10:22 AMoit ed..
July 14, 2009 at 11:31 AMaku nak g penang ni..
i need suggestions for 3D2N stays there...
any good wild place???hakhak
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