So, as i mentioned in one of my previous post, my honies and i are going for a short break at this hot springs place in Sungkai.... trust me, everyone were looking forward for the trip... various arrangements were made, from the villa booking to the BBQ plan to the so called villa "upgrade" until the day we depart....
Number 1
Villa booking - handled by Ah Hooi (thanks a lot babe..really appreciate that)... we booked the villa like 1 or 2 months in advance to avoid disspointment. At first when Ah Hooi booked, there were only one bed room villa left and that villa can fit up to 6 person..Perfecto! there's 6 of us! However she asked the person to inform case there's any cancellation for 2 bed rooms villa. Again, luck on our side, few days later, a person in charge from the villa called Ah Hooi to inform there cancellation for 2 bed rooms we grab the 2 rooms villa, paid the deposits and make full payment a week later(agak2 la..hehehe). Ouh an a week before we leave, a person in charge from the villa called again saying that they upgraded our 2 rooms villa to 3 rooms villa. Ah Hooi asked why and they said they needed to do some work for the 2 rooms villa... and Ah Hooi asked again what are the differences between this 2 villas? And they said it's all the same except that this one have extra another room... so fine by us...we can fit 2 person in each room..initially 3 person in one room...anyway,2 days before depature, Hanie came up with a sad news...she has some urgent matter at her home she can't now we are down to 5... :(
Number 2
Aida and I came out with a plan to have BBQ for dinner...i. we think that we should prepare everything from that when we arrived there, all we need to do is light up the fire and grilll...weeee... to make our life easy, i suggested to buy the disposable bbq we can easily get rid of it once we done with the cooking =D So, Aida and myself put on our thinking caps and starts decide on what food to bring and who's gonna in charge of what food... we came out with all kinda of food and after finalised with everyone, we decided to have lamb, beef, chicken, sausages, coleslaw, baked corns n potatoes, stuffed mushroom, bruschetta and muffins for dessert. The lamb, stuffed mushroom, muffins and bruschetta were prepared by Ah Hooi. I asked my mum to help marinate the beef and chicken. Boiled the potatoes from home and get the other honies to wrap it in aluminium foils,bought the coleslaw from popeye's. We decided to save money and to bringsome of the stuffs needed like paper cups n plates, tongs, knives, oil, plastics and etc from home. kekekkek... we've got all the thing needed an voila, we are ready to go!!
So, here's how our journey started. Aida and Nik overnight at my place. The next morning we left my place around 9 am. Pick up Pikky at her place, dropped by 7-eleven to buy aluminium foils(coz our miss pikky in charge of it and she don't have it at her house) and also ice to put in the ice box to keep our marinated food in good condition and lastly pick up Ah Hooi from Kelana Jaya LRT Station. Since Hanie didnt give us us her fire starter(only knew about it on friday night), so i was looking for it when we dropped by at 7-evelen but they don't have it. We then went to Carefour at Tropicana City where me and Ah Hooi went and look for the fire starter...found the BBQ section, got the pit, the coal but no fire on the way back to the car(where the rest waitiing in the car), we bumped into a ex-colleuge of ours...he was damn confused when he saw us...kekeke... then Ah Hooi and me were racing to the car...hahahha...when we got in the car, Ah Hooi expression was like, "Fire starter do have but got Cheng Ooi(the ex-colleuge we bumped into)...." wtf.... So we decided to hit the highway and go straight to the place. We decided to just use the stove to burn the coil...hahaha...but on the way to the highway, we were passing by a housing area a saw a sundry shop. Decided to give it a last go and yeayyy the shop have fire starter....and that's where our journey begin..
(and the rest are at the back seat n i forgot to snap photo of them..sorry babes...)
Lunch was another story....on the way looking for place to eat, Ah Hooi was like " i want to eat pucuk paku" with her chinese accent...hahhaha...we were laughing like hell...kekeke.. so, the place we end up for lunch is lika a food court but very 'cikai' one...hehhe....i think there were 3 shops that were operating.... we looked at the lauk in shop 1 and 2... And guess what, Ah Hooi found pucuk paku in shop 2...u guys shud see her face at that moment... However, we end up ordered from shop 3 cause they have like the "goreng-goreng" stuffs. But that doesn't stop Ah Hooi from buying only the pucuk paku from the 2nd shop. Pikky tasted the pucuk paku and liked she went and buy all but then it was not much left... While waiting for our fried rice, Ah Hooi decided to check out the shop 1 again and guess what she came back with???another plate of pucuk paku...this girl has totally gone insane.... however, we finished all the food....we had fried rice, 4 plates of pucuk paku and the abc i ordered was GOOD! Next is to get back to the hot spring and get in to the villa...yayyy.......
huwaaaaa!i want to go!anyways, i love you honies much!hehhe
June 3, 2009 at 1:00 PMwtf you forgot to take photos of us in the backseat -____-
June 3, 2009 at 2:45 PMi'm still waiting for the photos from nik. sigh.
hahaha that expression on your face when you looked at ah hooi is SO funny :D
babe, nik has uploaded the pictures in her flickers.. =D
June 4, 2009 at 12:18 PMPost a Comment