It's been ages since my last's like berlapuk already...hahahha...wonder what have been keeping me from updating me blog...well,well,well.... i was having this laziness attacked...kekekke...and was kinda busy....
Friends got married... some leaving the country to persue their study(sob..sob..sob)....and ouh i was suppose to upload some of the photos of Man Utd vs Malaysia... gosh i have so many to do...yet so little time... on top of that, since raya is like in 2 days time, last week i was busy with all the few orders for Jam Tart and my Cheese Brownies.... and to make things wisdom tooth was like aching on monday...tuesday i cant stand it anymore, so went to dentist to check...and my not so wisdom tooth need to be extract which will cost between RM150 -
Not really happy with that, next day i went for second opinion which happen to be a friend of my aunt.....and she extracted the teeth immediately...and it only cost me RM70...phewwww....thanks to Doctor Aimi...she so funny and nice lady...
Before the Ramadhan i was busy attending sume tak sabar2 nak kahwin to celebrate raya together...kekeke..just kidding...
First, Alia got hitched on the 31 July 2009 and the reception was on 1 August 2009... i was one of ther flower girl(yeah me to old for that) to walk her into the hall..

Next were Hadzwan and Siti...i know both of them...anyways, Congrats to Alia n Wan...Siti n Hadzwan....

Friends got married... some leaving the country to persue their study(sob..sob..sob)....and ouh i was suppose to upload some of the photos of Man Utd vs Malaysia... gosh i have so many to do...yet so little time... on top of that, since raya is like in 2 days time, last week i was busy with all the few orders for Jam Tart and my Cheese Brownies.... and to make things wisdom tooth was like aching on monday...tuesday i cant stand it anymore, so went to dentist to check...and my not so wisdom tooth need to be extract which will cost between RM150 -
Not really happy with that, next day i went for second opinion which happen to be a friend of my aunt.....and she extracted the teeth immediately...and it only cost me RM70...phewwww....thanks to Doctor Aimi...she so funny and nice lady...
Before the Ramadhan i was busy attending sume tak sabar2 nak kahwin to celebrate raya together...kekeke..just kidding...
First, Alia got hitched on the 31 July 2009 and the reception was on 1 August 2009... i was one of ther flower girl(yeah me to old for that) to walk her into the hall..

Next were Hadzwan and Siti...i know both of them...anyways, Congrats to Alia n Wan...Siti n Hadzwan....

Next thing i know it's already Ramadhan.....phew...selamat dah ganti pose... =D
During Ramadhan, gosh..i got like a lot of buka puasa appointment...thot can kurus during puasa..apparently not cuz most of the time we went for buffet and i can eat damn a lot... :(
And recently, on 9 September 2009, Alia has left for Scotland to further her study...i was suppose to go with her...uwaa..... i guess its just not my rezeki yet...for those who don't know...Alia, Fiza and myself applied for a few universities in UK to do our master...however, we need moolah to fund our no anak orang kaya... Alia applied for MARA which i dont wana apply(berlagak giler kan) cuz its a convertable loan and u still need to pay at least 10% of the total cost... so Fiza and me applied for JPA...but apparently they don't fund those who already work for more than 2 year... what an a**... by the time it was too late to apply for othe we decided to try our luck next year =D

And our miss rolling eyes, Aida Roslan has also left the country for Ireland to further her study too...her flight was on the 14 september 2009.. we had our last gathering at pikky's few days before she leave...u left me sad... :(
And 2 days ago, my baby boy has left on the jet plane to Egypt....uwaaa....everyone is leaving sad... nah..he and his parents gonna celebrate raya with his sister's family iin Egypt...yerp..the sister is working there...
And recently, on 9 September 2009, Alia has left for Scotland to further her study...i was suppose to go with her...uwaa..... i guess its just not my rezeki yet...for those who don't know...Alia, Fiza and myself applied for a few universities in UK to do our master...however, we need moolah to fund our no anak orang kaya... Alia applied for MARA which i dont wana apply(berlagak giler kan) cuz its a convertable loan and u still need to pay at least 10% of the total cost... so Fiza and me applied for JPA...but apparently they don't fund those who already work for more than 2 year... what an a**... by the time it was too late to apply for othe we decided to try our luck next year =D

Bye bye to Alia @ KLIA
And our miss rolling eyes, Aida Roslan has also left the country for Ireland to further her study too...her flight was on the 14 september 2009.. we had our last gathering at pikky's few days before she leave...u left me sad... :(
And 2 days ago, my baby boy has left on the jet plane to Egypt....uwaaa....everyone is leaving sad... nah..he and his parents gonna celebrate raya with his sister's family iin Egypt...yerp..the sister is working there...
And moi,me family and me leaving on the jet plane tonight to Perth again...yerp me celebrating raya there..woohoo...the last time i went there was in February 2008 and it was summer. this time around it's gonna be spring i think but the weather is still cold according to me aunt.
Here's some of the shots during my trip to Perth last year
So to all me friends out there and me blog reader, i wana wish you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...Maaf Zahir Batin...please forgive all my wrong doings...i'm just a normal human being...i hope u guys will have a great raya this year!!
Take care peepzz....muaaaahhhsss....
selamat hari raya... take care beb!!!
September 18, 2009 at 1:23 PMaaawww i miss you babe :((
September 29, 2009 at 12:02 AMreza cm MB la..ekeke
October 4, 2009 at 1:58 PMPost a Comment