Good bye to my 39th year
In a few days, we will be greeting 2023 and parting ways with 2022.
Thank you 2022. Surely you didn't go down quietly as the last two previous
years before...
Asalnya nak start dengan ayat "Dah lama tak update blog" tapi bunyi macam
cliche la pulak.
Actually I was waiting my tart crust dough to be set in the frid...
Hello again..
Another event to update..a recent event which popping on my mind first..
A visit to Bali 2014.. an agreement to an Annual visit.
Bali..Im i...
selagi bulan june tak abis, aku akan rasa sepanjang hari bulan june adalah
birthday aku...hahaha...walaupun tak de bday celebration, tp aku happy sbb
aku m...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
Dah check in LR tapi check out pula
Ted buat pemeriksaan di KBMC kerana ada lendir + darah yang keluar.
Sampai je di kaunter, daftar, terus dirujuk ke labour room..
Di labour room, pe...
Sekali Lagi...
Assalamualaikum..saya malas nak update blog, bukan kerana sangat
malas...tetapi sebab-sebab dibawah :-
(1) sebelum ni sibuk ngan segala mak nenek
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From me to you...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Am proud of meself....wakakakkaka...i did my very first binding job....probably it's peanut for some people...well, u can say whatever u wana say...but i've learned something's pretty i can do it by myself whenever i need to do longer need to trouble "datuk Siti Azlina" the secretary..... cheers peepz =D
The binding machine, plastic bind comb and plastic bind cover...
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