About Moi
Voice of Others
Good bye to my 39th year - In a few days, we will be greeting 2023 and parting ways with 2022. Thank you 2022. Surely you didn't go down quietly as the last two previous years before...2 years ago
Voir Moonlight Film Streaming - Telecharger Film - *Regarder Moonlight Streaming Francais * [image: Moonlight]" Moonlight-2016-tunisien-6-twilight-2-yves-saint-laurent-ong-bak-a-director-3-harry-potter...5 years ago
Hello - Asalnya nak start dengan ayat "Dah lama tak update blog" tapi bunyi macam cliche la pulak. Actually I was waiting my tart crust dough to be set in the frid...10 years ago
Protected: Of roadtrips and camping fears - There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.11 years ago
JUNE - selagi bulan june tak abis, aku akan rasa sepanjang hari bulan june adalah birthday aku...hahaha...walaupun tak de bday celebration, tp aku happy sbb aku m...11 years ago
The Year That Was - Dear everyone, I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August. But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...12 years ago
Dah check in LR tapi check out pula - 14/3/2012 Ted buat pemeriksaan di KBMC kerana ada lendir + darah yang keluar. Sampai je di kaunter, daftar, terus dirujuk ke labour room.. Di labour room, pe...12 years ago
Sekali Lagi... - Assalamualaikum..saya malas nak update blog, bukan kerana sangat malas...tetapi sebab-sebab dibawah :- (1) sebelum ni sibuk ngan segala mak nenek audit..au...14 years ago
Flava of the week!
Chit chat time!!
- action figure (2)
- activity (19)
- advertisment (2)
- animal (1)
- babies (4)
- behaviour (2)
- birthday (14)
- book (1)
- car (1)
- celebration (13)
- charity (2)
- collection (3)
- environment (4)
- event (11)
- exams (1)
- experience (8)
- family (9)
- fav song (3)
- feelings (35)
- food (14)
- fun (63)
- funny (6)
- gift (1)
- girlie girls (17)
- hobby (10)
- holiday (5)
- honies (6)
- insane (6)
- love (12)
- madness (1)
- memory (1)
- movie (4)
- people (39)
- random (56)
- raya (2)
- silliness (2)
- soccer (4)
- sport (12)
- tagged (1)
- the love one (27)
- toys (2)
- trip (6)
- tv show (2)
- unique (1)
- wedding (7)
- work (23)

Ouh, for those who haven't watch Clash of the Titan... Although lots of people said that it's kinda boring.... personally, i wonder why these people said that it's boring... so don't trust people's judgement... go see for yourself!! then only u can judge... i myself don't feel like watching it after listen to all the judgement... but last week, we had nothing to watch and end up with Titans.... and it was good...hehehe.... and another movie i watched recently is Kick Ass... it's hillarious... watch it peepz...hahhaha.... ok. i'm out...back to work!!
Ok, more story coming up about the trip...rite now i have to go finish up me work... kekekek... till then cheers peepz...
Today is me mama birthday!!! yeayyy!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!!! since she's not here so me get someone to deliver her a cake from secret recipe...chocolate indulgence!! woohooo...since the person is not free today, so they sent it to her yesterday....thanks to Dave and Brenda. And today my sister get her friend to go to the florist and asked them to deliver flower to me mama....hehehhehe...... Hope she'll like it.....
And ouh! yesterday Reza and moi went for movie marathon....it was great! we watched Michael Jackson : This is it and Jennifer's Body...gosh both movies were good!!! i love them... and MJ show was fantastic....the rehearsal was awesome... i can't imagine how's the real concert was suppose to be... it's a shame he have to leave us before he get to perform his last show... but all i can say is that he's a real entertainer!!!

Scenes from Jennifer's body....

Let's rock!! (this is how i looked like when i slept at 3.30 am n woke up at 8.30am)

I am rock!!!! hahahha
And ouh, another person shared the same birth date as Fiza...and she is me boss lil baby girl...she turned one on the same date....so the mum ordered a cake from me...and here's a birthday cake...kekeke =D

Something to share....
Happy means : getting things we want, need and like.
Sadness means : taking away things we want, need and like.